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Our mission

If we have learned anything in the last 24 months, it's that the old normal wasn’t good enough — it wasn’t working. In a lot of ways, the pandemic just brought into focus problems that have been growing for a very long time, whether it’s widening economic inequality or the lack of adequate mental health care support at no cost. 


These shocks to the system that we are seeing right now — they remind us that we can’t take things for granted, that we have to work together to make things better. They also remind us that our individual well-being depends on the well-being of the community that we live in. 


So as scary and uncertain as these times may be, they are also a wake-up call, and they are an incredible opportunity. Because you don’t have to accept what was considered normal before. You don’t have to accept the world as it is. You can make it into the world as it should be and could be. You can create a new normal one that builds bridges between people. We can emerge from our current circumstances stronger than before. Better than before.


But, as has always been true at key moments in history, it’s going to depend on people just like you. 


At Owl Pod, we are taking charge of the future of our communities. Free mental health support from licensed Doctors in Alberta and continued medical education for Health Care Practitioners. 


Join us in Dreaming Bigger. Because the world doesn't happen to you. You happen to it. 

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